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Writing Guidance Path

Welcome down the path of all things Writing Guidance here at Between Chapters! Choosing to write a book does not have to mean choosing to do it alone.  I currently offer two kinds of guidance for writers, on-going and workshop. Both offer you support in the process of creating your stories, though in different ways. I also offer you the option to tell me what will help you, allowing me to design a plan that gives you the exact level of guidance you need. No matter which option you choose, you'll be gaining a teammate. Because you really don't have to do it alone. 

what kind of writing guidance do we offer?

Sitting on Rock
Sitting on Rock

two-day story builder 


Have you ever felt stuck

in your story?


Have you hit the 20% mark to realize your path forward is unclear, and the purpose is murky? What if I told you that you could do one eight-hour workshop, and come away with a full map of your story?

In this workshop, we will journey into your story and break it all down,

before building it back up into a guide,

which  will carry you through to the ending.


We’ll do the work of months

in just eight hours,

and you’ll be left excited

and ready to get writing again!

Family Portrait 2
Family Portrait 2




Your life is utterly unique, 

and likely that means you need your 

process to be, too. And I get it!

I'm a mom, a writer, an editor, and a writing guide,

and sometimes planning my week is a bit like playing Jenga.

I've gotten very good at Jenga!

My goal in creating these plans was to make things as easy as possible for writers to do two things:

complete the book, 

and do it without sacrificing their sanity or their lifestyle. 

Let me meet you where you are, and design 

writing guidance plan that fits your life,

and your needs. 

You can find space for everything,

and I can help.


Girl on Hammock_edited.jpg
Girl on Hammock_edited.jpg



You have the brilliant idea. 

You have the ability & the drive. 

Now you just have to write the damn thing.

Sounds easy... but we know it's anything but.

This is the seed that my Writing Guidance plan grew from:

the idea that we think writing a book

should be something that comes naturally.

Writing Guidance gives you a guide, but also a teammate.

I will work with you to get through the hardest parts of the process (whether that's drafting, revision, or planning).

And you'll end our weeks together

with more progress than you

ever thought possible.  

why work with
between chapters?

When I started this business, I had two goals. The first was pretty basic: to bind passion with skill to offer developmental guidance to writers. I knew how to do that... I knew what was needed, and the kind of editor I wanted to be. 


The second goal, though, I wasn't so sure how to accomplish. I wanted to help fill the gaps that allowed so many writers to fall through the cracks of the publishing industry, giving up on their stories. I wasn't sure how I'd do it, but I was determined to figure out, one step at a time. I don't have all the answers (no one does), but it wasn't long before I figured out one truth, one thing I could help change...



Writers too often quit because they get lost in the story,

and can't find their way out on their own...


So many of my clients are new writers. Many have full-time jobs, children, and the stresses of everyday life to contend with. Add in writing a book, or a series, and the belief that everyone else "knows what they're doing"? It's a recipe for confusion, burn out, and "comparisonitis" (as I like to call it). 


Problem acknowledged, I set out to find a way to help, and soon realized that there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Some clients want me there for the process of their first drafts, and we work together for weeks at a time. Others, with busy schedules and minimal time, often need to overhaul their book and get a solid plan ready in a very short time. And still others are looking for something different, something to fit their life and needs. So I set about creating options to help meet you where you are. 


If you're stuck in your story, or your series, and unsure of the path ahead, I hope you'll reach out. You may need someone to join you on your travels, and help you plan a path to where you're going. And I would love to help you on your journey! 


between chapters 
writing guidance packages

the shortcut


In two days, over eight hours, we will overhaul your story and characters, leaving you with a clear path to THE END.


compass rose


We will work together for weeks at a time (two minimum), fine-tuning your process and path, and supporting your needs.

$200-$400 per week

make your way


Life too hectic to commit to either path? Let's work together to create a guidance plan that fits your life. 

Price Varies on Need

Looking for something specific, or a more individual package?

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